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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Pasir Ris Secondary School
390 Tampines Street 21
Singapore 529400

3 July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister for National Development
Member of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr Mah
Feedback on playground in tampines
I am a student from sec 2 express .I am writing a letter to you to give you several feedback on the playgrounds in tampines. After observing the playgrounds in tampines I realize that there are some good points and bad points about the playgrounds in tampines. Well I think that the overall appearance and facilities is quite okay, but I think that there is still room for improvement. But we have this project which made us think that we can make a playground a better place for the disabilities and normal children
Our group had purposely choose bright colour such as red and light blue instead of dull colour such as black. We thought of this solution because we think that this can make the terminal illness kid to think of the positive side .The playground design by my group is quite special from the rest of the playground in tampines. Actually part of our ideas are extracted from the book bridge to terabithia and part of it is our group ideas.
Since the terminal illness is going to pass away soon so I think that special playground should be specially design to let those kid enjoy their remaining day.
The playground can be design to make it bigger and on the other hand more interesting.

Thank you for your attention.

Your faithfully,
Jun yu

Terabithia Welcomes You.

literature playground-10:45 PM-

Pasir Sir Ris Secondary school
390 Tampines st 21 singapore 529400

3 July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister of National Development
Minister of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr Mah

Currently I find that there are lots of playgrounds in Tampines. Some of them look beautiful and fun to play with but most of them are actually quite dangerous. Some of them are badly vandalized with unruly words and some other can be very badly littered and dirty.
Today I am about to provide with you some suggestions which I hope will be able to improve the conditions of playgrounds in Tampines.
The playgrounds in Tampines nowadays are meant only for normal children without any problems but what about those children with Terminal illnesses? These children will not be able to play because of the way the playground was built. The flooring of the playground can sometimes be quite rough and some of it is pealed off. The new playgrounds should have flooring made up of a softer material which will help to ‘cushion’ you when you fall. There should be shelters around the playground to rest if they are tired. When a playground is built there should be sufficient space for kids to run about when they play. The new playgrounds should also have chairs for parents to sit while they watch their children play. The playgrounds should always be well maintained and cleaned so that children of all ages will want to play in it.Our group had purposely choose bright colour such as red and light blue instead of dull colour such as black. We thought of this solution because we think that this can make the terminal illness kid to think of the positive side .

If you would like to see a mini model of an interesting playground to me you can go to this website:
More information can also be found in the website above

Yours Faithfully
Shahrazaf, Phay Kang, Ahmad, Destin, Jun Yu
Student of Pasir Ris Secondary

Terabithia Welcomes You.

literature playground-10:36 PM-

Pasir Ris Secondary School
390 Tampines St 21 Singapore 529400

3 July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister for National Development
Member of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr Mah


I am a student from Pasir Ris Secondary School and I notice that there are many playgrounds in Tampines Area. I notice that they are well-decorated and have proof to be safe. They have served as a heaven for children since I was a baby.
Now, I’m going to share with you a project me and my friends did recently regarding the construction of a playground for children with terminal illnesses. We considered the various factors involved in the safety of such children and tried to make them more fun and enticing. We found that children were more attracted to more complex playground facilities and yet facilities that are safe.
From my research on Singapore's playground and other playgrounds that are for such children, I discovered that the playground in Tampines have less of such enticing playground facilities. Furthermore, most of the playground in Tampines have been vandalized and filled with vulgar or unruly words. Some of them are even dirty and may post a harm to children who play them.
I believe that the playgrounds in Tampines can be further improved by constructing more enticing playground facilities that are not harmful to children. There should also be a signpost indicating that such playgrounds are only for children within a certain range of age. This is to minimize children from getting hurt and the playground from being damaged. There should also be more litter bins around playgrounds so that children will not be hurt from them, like slipping from a banana peel. I hope that my suggestion and feedback would be of your greatest assistance and hope that Tampines playgrounds will be safer and more fun!

Yours Sincerely
Phay Kang

Terabithia Welcomes You.

literature playground-10:35 PM-

Pasir Ris Secondary school
390 Tampines Street 21
Singapore 529400

3 July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister for National Development
Member of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr Mah

Feedback on playgrounds in tampines and how to improve them

About the playgrounds in tampines, I think that they are okay but they only lack the things that the needy need like more efficient playgrounds where all of them can play in like lets say a maze. But we had this project that made us think of building a playground so that more children with disabilities can use.

My group was selected to design a playground for children with terminal illnesses. As these are terminal illnesses, we should all know that these children are soon going to pass away. So we thought that as they are soon going to pass away, we decided to build the playground that can let those kids enjoy they remaining days.

We thought that as they should enjoy the remaining days in their lives, we made the floor rubber so when they fall down, they won’t get hurt. We chose bright colours not dark colours as we thought that as they are living their remaining days, we should brighten up their lives. We did not choose dark colours as I did not want them to feel sad.

My feedback on the playgrounds in tampines is that they are only made for normal kids like me. I think that they should be made so that all different children can all play in it. It should be made so that all can enjoy maybe even adults! The people who use these playgrounds should enjoy it but as the playgrounds in Singapore are made only for the normal kids, many people can’t enjoy them.

The playgrounds can be improved by making them bigger and more suitable for other kids and maybe adults. I hope that after you read this letter of mine you will re-build the playgrounds so that they can be played by all.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours faithfully,
Destin Koh, 2E6
Student from Pasir Ris Secondary

Terabithia Welcomes You.

literature playground-10:26 PM-

Pasir Ris Secondary School
390 Tampines street 21
Singapore 529400

3 july 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Member for National Development
Member of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr Mah

Feedback about the playgrounds in tampines suggestions to improve them.
I am a sec 2 student from PRSS.Recently,my school had just move from its temporary building at bedok.Currently ,we are at tampines street 21.I noticed that there are quite a lot of playground in tampines area.But I realised that all the facilities in the playground are not suitable for the children with disabilities.,children that we must pay more attention to.

My friends and I had designed a playground that is specially design for the children with terminal illness.We know that these childrens with terminal illness wont live long.So,our objective is to design and build the playground to let them enjoy and live their life to the fullest during their remaining days.

We use pure rubber for the flooring of the playground.this is to let them play without injuring themselves.We also include a maze inside our playground.There are reasons why we create the maze.In the real maze,u will find that it is difficult to go out of the maze.We can apply this to life.Life is not always easy as what the normal people will always think.We chose bright colurs to design the playground as we thought that so that they would “brighten up” their lives during their remaining days.

I thought that the current playground is designed only for normal kids.So I hope you will take into consideration ni building a playground designed by us.

Yours faithfully,
Ahmad B Hashim
(student of pasir ris secondary school)

Terabithia Welcomes You.

literature playground-10:23 PM-

-The Blog-

Making a Playground

-The Writer-

*Shahrazaf Khan
*Phay Kang
*Jun Yu

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July 2008

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